Jana Kramer on New Song 'Dammit,' Life After Major Labels

Singer-actress mines heartbreak and confusion in independently released follow-up to "I've Done Love"

Jana Kramer isn't burdened by needing to show anyone that she's squeaky-clean and perfectly composed. The singer-actress, whose most recent single "I've Done Love" slotted romantic entanglement alongside a host of illicit drugs, makes messy into a hook by mining the detached anguish of heartbreak with her latest single "Dammit" – her second release since parting ways with Warner Music Nashville and a return to the reflective material that made Top Five hits out of "Why Ya Wanna" and "I Got the Boy."

To read the rest of the article, visit Rolling Stone here: https://www.rollingstone.com/country/features/jana-kramer-on-new-song-dammit-life-after-major-labels-w519027


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Tracy Goldenberg